Mako Shark 🦈: King of the seven seas

Mako Shark
2 min readSep 10, 2022


“The Mako Shark, Nightmare of the deep waters, king of the seven seas”

The king of the seven seas, the Mako shark, rules the waters without limits, cruising magnificently without fear or quivering, causing the seas to shake with horror. The Mako Shark has taken its place as a ruler that all creatures fear.

The claims above are not idle speculations, but rather true assertions concerning Mako sharks, they are intelligent and aggressive, averaging 60mph while searching for prey. Truly, the king would always prevail against all odds.

As you may have noticed, our token is modeled after the splendor of the Mako shark; we are here to dominate and take command because our token aims to defy the recent trend of developers defrauding investors by providing a high-quality product and working with a clear goal in mind derived from the community’s unity. Mako Shark is an ERC20-compliant coin that will be used in our community as transparently as possible; our team hopes to create a communal space where Mako Shark holders may have a role in the direction of future advancements. In conjunction with the construction, we will establish a series of utilities via which community members with restricted access to cash may passively increase their investments and benefit.

We have a vibrant community on Twitter and Telegram that is always eager to keep you up to date on the latest developments.The Mako Shark team has been putting a lot of effort into making this token something that we would all appreciate and be willing to go forward with. We have spoken with several outstanding graphic artists, crypto experts, and grounded engineers who will provide solid updates whenever they are ready.

To get updates on our coin, join our community on Twitter and Telegram. You can also help us out by spreading the word about our content.

By working together, we are bringing Mako Shark beyond the seven seas to rule the visible universe.



